First, you should make three dummies at one project.. here i post my first assignment..
At this project we study how to make 3D object from 2D object...
This project was made from 220gr A2 Canson Paper in 30x30cm infraboard..
The project requires student to cut and make it 3D but student can't add any component out from the paper,so this was made from one paper only, no additional paper...
The idea of the form was inspired by a flower..
Using principal of design of rhythm, symmetrical balance, unity, simplicity and clarity.
Also include element of design of space, size, form, and shape..
Check it out!
so I had already made the dummies and the lecture had already approved it.. then I made this stuff very carefully, gluing with passion and tears till bleeding *lol*.. In the next day, I went to class and found that my project was the littlest one.. all of them make it so damn big, just like Gulliver compared with dwarfs..
All I done at that moment was praying (to God the lecture became an angel from heaven stride elegantly with shinny yellow circle above his head and told me that I 've made a masterpiece*:P*) and convinced myself that the dummies had already approved then me and my project were safe..
Suddenly when the lecture was scoring my project, he turned into really bad bad triple bad awful troll.. He explained that my project was so small and it was totally wrong even he had already approved it before.. so I got bad score..
But hey, there's always a good point when you have bad experience..
I try to laugh every mistake that Ive made, and let my revenge emotions as passion on next chance, make it the best, not only better...
-from my little cozy corner - Happy Wednesday :)
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