Feb 3, 2012

ouch,, it's holiday everyonee..

sorry not posting for a long time..
yeah, the war of assignment have been done perfectly..
no longer exams, and no longer assignments..
its officially holiday for me.. yipieeee \m/

questioning what i've been doing all this time..
check it out!!

from the picture above you can see that I was joining a social service with my alumni community..
we were visiting fishing village near Jakarta's port, Tanjung Priok..
People's livelihood there was catching and processing green scallops..
It was a lil bit dirty and stingy, when we went there it was raining and tarnish..
They lived beneath the scallops shells, trash, and another household waste..
This is an irony for my country, where food should processed in a clean place, where children in their age supposed to school and play.
They go to social school there at dawn and work at sunrise to fulfill their family needs..
Sleep and live in unhealthy environment is effecting mentally and physically growth..

What I want to share is we should care each other, we should praise for all that we have now, weather things that make us happy or sad, make us wealthy or poor.. :)

-from my cozy lil corner-happy holiday :)-


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