Nov 23, 2011

breaking dawn

hey guys, have you watched breaking dawn part 1? Really cool movie huh?
But I think this movie is not better than the old one, because there's so much awkward scene..
I don't know, it just my
The most memorable scene is when Bella Swan having birth, god damn it looks like horror scene, bloods are everywhere..don't like it :s 
But the sweetest scene is when Edward carry on Bella on their honey moon, hope get someone like Edward :3 so sweet, low profile and cute..hihi
I prefer someone with low profile, but confident at himself.. :)
overall, I love the series, and can't wait for part 2..

One of favorite soundtrack from the movie is "A Thousand Year" by Christina Perri
my friend give me this link.. hope you can enjoy it :)

Today I don't make any project.. buttt....I got nice score *eightyseven* at Multimedia Introduction subject..yayyy it is theory midterm score which is 30% from overall score.. hope the best for another score :)
So I want to post my previous project at second assignment of Traditional painting subject..

Please don't laugh.. I'm still learning make paintings on canvas using acrylic paint.
The left side was made with impressionism technique, and the right side was made using pointillism technique..
after all it gets nice score for newbie like mee.. :)

-from my lil cozy corner- pray for the best :)


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