Nov 25, 2011

that was a party...

hey all.. yesterday I had a simple party with friends of mine.. we ate, we sang, and yes had a lot of fun...
arrived at four am in the morning is sooo something *lol*
remembering tomorrow I don't have any assignment to be done, make my day totally for fun..
The picture is lil bit unclear *better to be like that* hihii..

By the way my AST shape and form was shelved at my campus open house, say hoorayy for thatt.. :)
Then tomorrow I am going to have paintball attack with many others, so hope for the best and wish me luck..
Its gonna be a lot of thing to be told..

For today's post I want to upload about my Drawing Principles assignment.. In this class we are taught how to draw from the most beginning step.. How to shading, how to stroke correctly.. and I love this class <3

This drawing is about isometric.. we make the technical draft for left, front, back, and up side.. than we make the isometric one..

By the way, it isn't so difficult when you know what you draw, just imagine and combine with the technical draft, then you can make good isometric drawing..
You better use 30 degrees angle when make isometric, because when you use that angle, every assist line that you make are not come over each other..make you easier to understand one line connect with which line..
Andd.. say hay, because the lecture give me great score for this drawing.. and the lecture keep it for his document.. nice work :)

-from my lil cozy corner-keep imagining :)-


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